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Outcome of discussion with cherry

[ƒcƒc]± Furry Blue
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Outcome of discussion with cherry Empty Re: Outcome of discussion with cherry

Post by invalid forum account Sat Mar 06, 2010 9:54 pm

Totally unrelated to this particular application, but still related to all applications in general, therefore not off topic:

One outcome of todays long group discussion was, we point out to every new applicant (and all other clan members) they should never act like they or [ƒcƒc] owns the place, when playing on any servers. Cause [ƒcƒc] doesn't own the place at all. It's a clan that likes to play ZM, preferably on Sammys Servers. Nothing less and nothing more. Every other player is equal to you, unless it's an admin of course.
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Outcome of discussion with cherry Empty Re: Outcome of discussion with cherry

Post by [ƒcƒc]± Furry Blue Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:41 am

Indigo wrote:Totally unrelated to this particular application, but still related to all applications in general, therefore not off topic:

One outcome of todays long group discussion was, we point out to every new applicant (and all other clan members) they should never act like they or [ƒcƒc] owns the place, when playing on any servers. Cause [ƒcƒc] doesn't own the place at all. It's a clan that likes to play ZM, preferably on Sammys Servers. Nothing less and nothing more. Every other player is equal to you, unless it's an admin of course.

So it seems that as i figured, because i failed at accurately expressing my point the discussion spiraled downhill on a negative subject? Thanks for making me talk indigo :P. I'm sure you guys did your best to make me look like an asshole who was just attacking cherry, because that's pretty much all i had time to come off as before i had to go.
[ƒcƒc]± Furry Blue
[ƒcƒc]± Furry Blue

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Outcome of discussion with cherry Empty Re: Outcome of discussion with cherry

Post by Kouta Sun Mar 07, 2010 6:10 am

I'm probably stating the obvious here but it would seem cherry couldn't care less about [ƒcƒc], I regret getting VIP now . . . At this point, its almost pointless to be in the [ƒcƒc] clan, if its going to be thrown off to the side like this =/

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Outcome of discussion with cherry Empty Re: Outcome of discussion with cherry

Post by Opal Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:44 am


So firstly, it was a shame that not as many people could attend the talk as was hoped, but then again, we did get some good points from it at the end of the discussion.
Now Kouta, I do still care about the clan, but obviously, no where near as much as I care about the future development of the servers. This move was no insult to anyone at all, just, a move. It was a good time to make this move in my opinion, and I hoped everyone would see it as a move towards the future, and a positive move at that. I knew from the start after announcing this, that some people would be more for it, and others of course, would be against it.
I am sorry you regret getting VIP, but if that's how you feel really, then maybe you shouldn't have bothered in the first place. I mean sure, the clan is good and all, but without the servers, would there even be ƒcƒc? Without money, there would be no servers, and I'm nearly 100% sure, that without the servers, there would be no ƒcƒc.

I did save the whole conversation which took place yesterday, but before I post it, I would like to know what others are thinking about that, and if others should actually be allowed to read it?

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Outcome of discussion with cherry Empty Re: Outcome of discussion with cherry

Post by invalid forum account Sun Mar 07, 2010 10:52 am

Not that I think it really matters.

No Blue, we avoided talking about you in particular, or even make you look like an asshole.
I had hoped you would have trusted me more there, cause I certainly did my best to moderate the whole chat.
And I had the feeling it was quite successful, we managed to turn what would usually have ended into a huge spam fest, into a serious argument where everyone stayed calm and polite, and could voice their opinion at any point. I hope everyone who was there had the same feeling.
And it was pointless to argue about you or even [ƒcƒc] as a whole, when none on of their current clan leaders could be there.

And I didn't really make you talk, I tried to give everyone a voice to sort this whole matter once and for all.
You can't blame it on me you felt hurt and had to rage quit, then rejoined, then raged some more, then rejoined and finally had to be off. Way to waste not only your time, but also mine. And pull the good meant try of bringing everyone together into dirt.

In fact we had a good discussion and some important topics have been covered. The total outcome wasn't as much as I had expected, might be due to the lack of important people who were missing.
At least Cherry and I have seen now, who really cares and supports the servers as well as the clan, and who doesn't give a shit.

Oh and because some people couldn't be online yesterday, we probably going to do another group chat today.
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Outcome of discussion with cherry Empty Re: Outcome of discussion with cherry

Post by invalid forum account Sun Mar 07, 2010 11:03 am


I don't even know why you took my post from it's original location and put it as a new topic here.
You could have at least stated somewhere you moderated it, and the place you split it from.

The point is, everyone agreed it would be a good idea and can only help the servers to point every member and every new applicant of [ƒcƒc] to the fact the clan does not own the servers, and no member should ever act like she/he owns the place. In fact, every player on our servers is equal with others, no matter what clan tag or whatnot they are wearing.

It even once was a clan rule. I dunno if that rule still exists as it was, I'm too lazy to check.
And that's also the point, no one ever reads the clan rules, even if you link them to it.
However, new applicants certainly will read what has been posted in their own topic.

So, if [ƒcƒc] really does support the servers, you guys are going to adapt very soon to the idea of posting that statement into every new applicants topic.
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Outcome of discussion with cherry Empty Re: Outcome of discussion with cherry

Post by MoarToast Sun Mar 07, 2010 11:21 am

Indigo wrote:So, if [ƒcƒc] really does support the servers, you guys are going to adapt very soon to the idea of posting that statement into every new applicants topic.

Fair enough, I suppose I could do that when I can.

And sorry I wasn't able to make it for the chat, admittedly it probably wouldn't matter if I was there. But still, it would have been nice to be there.

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Outcome of discussion with cherry Empty Re: Outcome of discussion with cherry

Post by invalid forum account Sun Mar 07, 2010 11:24 am

Kouta wrote:I'm probably stating the obvious here but it would seem cherry couldn't care less about [ƒcƒc], I regret getting VIP now . . . At this point, its almost pointless to be in the [ƒcƒc] clan, if its going to be thrown off to the side like this =/

Kouta showed here exactly the attitude some [ƒcƒc] have. They think they own the place, just because they joined some certain clan. And now that we point out what should have been obvious from the start to everyone, they feel as if [ƒcƒc] is going to get "thrown off the side".
It's not. Will never be thrown off. No u.
Cherry will always value [ƒcƒc] for what it is.
And certainly Indigo will always value the clan she put so much work into the past year, from the day I started this forum and turned a group of fun players randomly thrown together into a more serious clan.

Let me lay out what [ƒcƒc] really is:
It's the strongest community of players who happen to play a lot on Sammys Servers, the Zombie Master ones. ( Some even gmod, others Situation Outbreak, and some awesome [ƒcƒc] even play Killing Floor )
So if you want to be part of a ever growing community who like to play the same games you do, with many nice people in it, and a place to make good friends, [ƒcƒc] is the place to join.

Kouta, if you still feel its pointless being in [ƒcƒc] now, well then, I don't know if I should laugh or cry about your statement. If you really joined [ƒcƒc] cause you were under the impression they owned the place, then you were wrong. What did you expect, joining a clan will give you personally more control over the servers? Or even more say in server related decisions than any other player has? Certainly not.

All our players are equal, we accept suggestions from all players, be it [ƒcƒc] or not.

It happens that the two server owners have made their friends in [ƒcƒc]. Friends who supported us in the past, and helped us with various things, therefore earning our respect. I personally allow such friends, who support me and have always been there for me, to have an influence on me. This might be the reason some people could be under the impression [ƒcƒc] had more of a say about server things than other players do.
But that's the wrong conclusion.

In fact, every member of [ƒcƒc] has an indirect say about anything sammys servers related. This has been achieved by your current clan leaders, who have put some time and effort into supporting sammys servers and became good friends of mine. So even the newest joined [ƒcƒc] member can have their opinions / ideas about sammys servers being heard by Cherry and me.

Furthermore you obviously got something very wrong here Kouta. Cherry never said he couldn't care less about the clan, in fact it's the other way round. He still is part of this clan, cause of it's awesomeness, and it's strong community.

And brining up VIP here only proves you have no point what you are talking about, and just tried your best to damage Cherry and me in all your ways possible.
Now you might want to defend yourself, by saying no, Indigo is a bitch and not right.
But tell me, how is VIP related to [ƒcƒc] in any ways?

P.S: Kouta, I really hope you show enough maturity here now as to not get butthurt over my little flame war here, and run off crying like some recent people did. Everything I said here might sound harsh, when I am just trying to point out what things are really like, how experienced [ƒcƒc] and other players with enough information about the whole background and history of sammys servers see things.

Last edited by Indigo on Sun Mar 07, 2010 11:41 am; edited 1 time in total
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Outcome of discussion with cherry Empty Re: Outcome of discussion with cherry

Post by MoarToast Sun Mar 07, 2010 11:40 am

Indigo wrote:
Kouta wrote:I'm probably stating the obvious here but it would seem cherry couldn't care less about [ƒcƒc], I regret getting VIP now . . . At this point, its almost pointless to be in the [ƒcƒc] clan, if its going to be thrown off to the side like this =/

Kouta showed here exactly the attitude some [ƒcƒc] have. They think they own the place, just because they joined some certain clan. And now that we point out what should have been obvious from the start to everyone, they feel as if [ƒcƒc] is going to get "thrown off the side".
It's not. Will never be thrown off. No u.
Cherry will always value [ƒcƒc] for what it is.
And certainly Indigo will always value the clan she put so much work into the past year, from the day I started this forum and turned a group of fun players randomly thrown together into a more serious clan.

Kouta, if you feel its pointless being in [ƒcƒc] now, well then, I don't know if I should laugh or cry about your statement. If you really joined [ƒcƒc] cause you were under the impression they owned the place, then you were wrong. What did you expect, joining a clan will give you personally more control over the servers? Or even more say in server related decisions than any other player has? Certainly not.

All our players are equal, we accept suggestions from all players, be it [ƒcƒc] or not.

It happens that the two server owners have made their friends in [ƒcƒc]. Friends who supported us in the past, and helped us with various things, therefore earning our respect. I personally allow such friends, who support me and have always been there for me, to have an influence on me. This might be the reason some people could be under the impression [ƒcƒc] had more of a say about server things than other players do.
But that's the wrong conclusion.

Furthermore you obviously got something very wrong here Kouta. Cherry never said he couldn't care less about the clan, in fact it's the other way round. He still is part of this clan, cause of it's awesomeness, and it's strong community.

And brining up VIP here only proves you have no point what you are talking about, and just tried your best to damage Cherry and me in all your ways possible.
Now you might want to defend yourself, by saying no, Indigo is a bitch and not right.
But tell me, how is VIP related to [ƒcƒc] in any ways?

P.S: Kouta, I really hope you show enough maturity here now as to not get butthurt over my little flame war here, and run off crying like some recent people did. Everything I said here might sound harsh, when I am just trying to point out what things are really like, how experienced [ƒcƒc] and other players with enough information about the whole background and history of sammys servers see things.

Don't mean to barge in like this, but I need to agree with this statement.

When I joined the clan, its not because I wanted to feel "More important" or some bullshit like that, its because I have friends in the clan, people that (somewhat) respect me. I still don't understand why people join the clan just so they can feel "Superior"

Believe me, I know I fail hard at ZM, but I have fun, and thats basically why I joined the clan.

If you join the clan just because you think it makes you become "above" everybody else, then I seriously can't say I respect you.

And what does buying VIP have to do with the clan, anyways?

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Outcome of discussion with cherry Empty Re: Outcome of discussion with cherry

Post by [ƒcƒc]± Furry Blue Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:18 pm

MoarToast wrote:

Don't mean to barge in like this, but I need to agree with this statement.

When I joined the clan, its not because I wanted to feel "More important" or some bullshit like that, its because I have friends in the clan, people that (somewhat) respect me. I still don't understand why people join the clan just so they can feel "Superior"

Believe me, I know I fail hard at ZM, but I have fun, and thats basically why I joined the clan.

If you join the clan just because you think it makes you become "above" everybody else, then I seriously can't say I respect you.

And what does buying VIP have to do with the clan, anyways?

I Think that superior thing is a little overplayed, I highly doubt anyone would join [ƒcƒc] to be better then everyone else

The most common reasons i hear from players who want to join [ƒcƒc] (Not in any order, just a list of reasons)

1). I want to be a part of your community, because it looks fun/helpful/i want to be part of something bigger then myself

2). [ƒcƒc] is pretty cool, and i want to be a part of it

3). You guys make playing on this server fun, and i'm friends with # of you.

Yet it seems people decided we own the place eh? Which is why i moved your response indigo.

Because i don't think in the history of me playing on any ZM servers, have i ever answered the question "Does [ƒcƒc] own the servers?" With "Yes". Questions like that are answered by not only me, but multiple others. Always the same "NO cherry/indigo own the servers".

But ya know, i think i'm going to start saying yes...

I Also left because some participants showed no interest in hearing me speak on the subject, and if that is the case then as a clan leader i have no interest in speaking for them.
[ƒcƒc]± Furry Blue
[ƒcƒc]± Furry Blue

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Outcome of discussion with cherry Empty Re: Outcome of discussion with cherry

Post by Kouta Sun Mar 07, 2010 4:40 pm

Indigo wrote:
Kouta wrote:I'm probably stating the obvious here but it would seem cherry couldn't care less about [ƒcƒc], I regret getting VIP now . . . At this point, its almost pointless to be in the [ƒcƒc] clan, if its going to be thrown off to the side like this =/

Kouta showed here exactly the attitude some [ƒcƒc] have. They think they own the place, just because they joined some certain clan. And now that we point out what should have been obvious from the start to everyone, they feel as if [ƒcƒc] is going to get "thrown off the side".
It's not. Will never be thrown off. No u.
Cherry will always value [ƒcƒc] for what it is.
And certainly Indigo will always value the clan she put so much work into the past year, from the day I started this forum and turned a group of fun players randomly thrown together into a more serious clan.

Let me lay out what [ƒcƒc] really is:
It's the strongest community of players who happen to play a lot on Sammys Servers, the Zombie Master ones. ( Some even gmod, others Situation Outbreak, and some awesome [ƒcƒc] even play Killing Floor )
So if you want to be part of a ever growing community who like to play the same games you do, with many nice people in it, and a place to make good friends, [ƒcƒc] is the place to join.

Kouta, if you still feel its pointless being in [ƒcƒc] now, well then, I don't know if I should laugh or cry about your statement. If you really joined [ƒcƒc] cause you were under the impression they owned the place, then you were wrong. What did you expect, joining a clan will give you personally more control over the servers? Or even more say in server related decisions than any other player has? Certainly not.

All our players are equal, we accept suggestions from all players, be it [ƒcƒc] or not.

It happens that the two server owners have made their friends in [ƒcƒc]. Friends who supported us in the past, and helped us with various things, therefore earning our respect. I personally allow such friends, who support me and have always been there for me, to have an influence on me. This might be the reason some people could be under the impression [ƒcƒc] had more of a say about server things than other players do.
But that's the wrong conclusion.

In fact, every member of [ƒcƒc] has an indirect say about anything sammys servers related. This has been achieved by your current clan leaders, who have put some time and effort into supporting sammys servers and became good friends of mine. So even the newest joined [ƒcƒc] member can have their opinions / ideas about sammys servers being heard by Cherry and me.

Furthermore you obviously got something very wrong here Kouta. Cherry never said he couldn't care less about the clan, in fact it's the other way round. He still is part of this clan, cause of it's awesomeness, and it's strong community.

And brining up VIP here only proves you have no point what you are talking about, and just tried your best to damage Cherry and me in all your ways possible.
Now you might want to defend yourself, by saying no, Indigo is a bitch and not right.
But tell me, how is VIP related to [ƒcƒc] in any ways?

P.S: Kouta, I really hope you show enough maturity here now as to not get butthurt over my little flame war here, and run off crying like some recent people did. Everything I said here might sound harsh, when I am just trying to point out what things are really like, how experienced [ƒcƒc] and other players with enough information about the whole background and history of sammys servers see things.

First of all, I don't think anything you said was harsh, never said anything bad about you, though I guess you felt it was aimed at both Cherry and you, it was late when I posted that so I didn't really think my words through, I guess I was under the impression that [ƒcƒc] did basically own the servers and up until now, nothing let me to think otherwise and no, just because I am a clan member or that I have VIP, I don't think I should have more rights, just the right that any other players have, I never demanded my words taken to heart, that was your choice to make, all that I have said is just how I feel about the change, I do like the servers, that's why I kept saying I don't like the change but I'll accept it, maybe not in those exact words but if I really hated the change, I wouldn't have wasted time in posting things, I would have just left, its that simple, by no means I have been raging, trust me that's a shit storm no one wants to see and more drama then I want to see, I guess I just started to get use to things in the servers then suddenly poof, things change, I guess it was just sudden to me, anywho . . . I hope things don't change suddenly again, any time soon.

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Outcome of discussion with cherry Empty Re: Outcome of discussion with cherry

Post by Kiez4r Sun Mar 07, 2010 6:13 pm

i'm personally glad we're becoming more disassociated with the servers. Maybe now people will stop accusing me of being admin.

Side note: it's not just people in the clan who are saying/pretending/acting like we own the place. New people who just started playing the game just assume we do, and then tell other people we do and then it becomes popular belief.You should try telling them not to treat people from the clan any differently.

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Outcome of discussion with cherry Empty Re: Outcome of discussion with cherry

Post by invalid forum account Sun Mar 07, 2010 9:06 pm

You are somewhat twisting facts here Blue.

[ƒcƒc]± Furry Blue wrote:I Think that superior thing is a little overplayed, I highly doubt anyone would join [ƒcƒc] to be better then everyone else

The most common reasons i hear from players who want to join [ƒcƒc] (Not in any order, just a list of reasons)

1). I want to be a part of your community, because it looks fun/helpful/i want to be part of something bigger then myself

2). [ƒcƒc] is pretty cool, and i want to be a part of it

3). You guys make playing on this server fun, and i'm friends with # of you.

Yet it seems people decided we own the place eh? Which is why i moved your response indigo.

Because i don't think in the history of me playing on any ZM servers, have i ever answered the question "Does [ƒcƒc] own the servers?" With "Yes". Questions like that are answered by not only me, but multiple others. Always the same "NO cherry/indigo own the servers".

But ya know, i think i'm going to start saying yes...

I Also left because some participants showed no interest in hearing me speak on the subject, and if that is the case then as a clan leader i have no interest in speaking for them.

You can't deny that some members act like [ƒcƒc] own the place. If you didn't notice that yet, it doesn't mean it's not happening. In fact, everyone (no matter if [ƒcƒc] or not ) who was in the chat yesterday agreed they personally witnessed such behaviour, and also agreed they don't like nor encourage such behaviour.
In fact, one [ƒcƒc] even claims in this very thread here, he was under the impression the clan owned the place.
So yeah, posting afterwards, trying to deny by twisting what has been really said and happened, certainly isn't the right way and doesn't help anyone at all.

Notice, I nor even anyone else said the clan as a whole is acting like that. Some of it's members are. Not everyone. A couple. Not Blue. Other members. It's a difference.

At no point anyone accused you, Blue, personally of putting it like [ƒcƒc] owns the place.
Which makes your statement of "Because i don't think in the history of me playing on any ZM servers, have i ever answered the question "Does [ƒcƒc] own the servers?" With "Yes"." not really helpful here.
I have no clue why you are even defending yourself. But I think your following sentence "But ya know, i think i'm going to start saying yes..." explains a lot then.

That's the reason, you had to get to that point. So now you can act like everyone hates you and therefore you have the right to damage the servers in any way possible.

Furthermore your last statement "I Also left because some participants showed no interest in hearing me speak on the subject, and if that is the case then as a clan leader i have no interest in speaking for them."
is simply not true. At no point did anyone in the chat express or even say they have no interest in hearing you speak, or even hear your opinion on it. In fact, I tried encouraging you multiple times to voice your opinion.
Yet it was you who decided to leave the chat multiple times, for whatever your reason was.
You can't blame that on others now, and leaving the impression by posting here now others didn't want to hear you out, is simply wrong.

P.S: I don't even know why you are blaming everything on you now Blue. Like yesterdays chat. This was a try to talk about things, where everyone could voice their opinion, and to bring everyone together.
And we talked about all others things as well there, but certainly not Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue.
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Outcome of discussion with cherry Empty Re: Outcome of discussion with cherry

Post by [ƒcƒc]± Furry Blue Sun Mar 07, 2010 10:25 pm

Indigo wrote:You are somewhat twisting facts here Blue.

Furthermore your last statement "I Also left because some participants showed no interest in hearing me speak on the subject, and if that is the case then as a clan leader i have no interest in speaking for them."
is simply not true. At no point did anyone in the chat express or even say they have no interest in hearing you speak, or even hear your opinion on it. In fact, I tried encouraging you multiple times to voice your opinion.
Yet it was you who decided to leave the chat multiple times, for whatever your reason was.
You can't blame that on others now, and leaving the impression by posting here now others didn't want to hear you out, is simply wrong.

A Clan member raged and left, over an opinion i was expressing.
Yeah, that's not agreeing with me.

After that i just plain left, only once but i did leave because of it. I also really had no real reason to come back. Hell i regret even starting the first time.
[ƒcƒc]± Furry Blue
[ƒcƒc]± Furry Blue

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Outcome of discussion with cherry Empty Re: Outcome of discussion with cherry

Post by Kouta Sun Mar 07, 2010 11:08 pm

I wish I could make it to some of these meetings, today I wen't to the movies, then passed out afterwards so I couldn't make it if there was one today, btw, Alice In WonderLand, is not as good as you may think,

Anyways, I do want to be a part of one of these meetings some day.

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Outcome of discussion with cherry Empty Re: Outcome of discussion with cherry

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