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Leaving clan

[ƒcƒc]± Furry Blue
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[ƒcƒc] Pallal
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Furry Fucia
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Leaving clan Empty Leaving clan

Post by MASHED TATERS Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:59 pm

Not leaving the servers, just the clan itself. But I should at least clarify why so there won't be any unanswered questions.

When I first started playing ZM, there were nowhere else to turn to. I wanted to contribute to the servers but I figured to achieve it, I would probably have to be in the server clan. You can say that my catalyst for applying to [ƒcƒc] are Cherry and Indigo themselves. The void was filled and I was pretty content with myself. But times change. I realized that I was already close as can be with Cherry and Indigo and the clantag on me started to slip away by time. I can say I've changed my behavior over these past several months of me in the clan. I went from mildly amiable to vicious, rude, rash, and other negative adjectives anyone else has used to describe me. I gained many friends along the way as well as lost the respect of a whole lot of the server regulars.

I can say that I've contributed to the servers well enough, but not for the clan. Which is the problem and part of the reason why I'm leaving. I've tried TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITIES make maps for the server, but people constantly bash at it and call me fail and a loser; in other words I just feel greatly underappreciated. Sometimes when you are just kidding around then that's fine, but too much is too much. And ever since Indigo's leave, my purpose goes missing again. Nothing is there to fill half the void and to make me feel like I'm contributing enough. It's terrible I know, to use the clan just to get me recognized. But I finally realized great times were had and I'm glad to be a part of that, so it wasn't totally worthless; in fact I quite enjoyed it. Thank you, [ƒcƒc].

I'm sorry if my leave from the clan will afflict anyone negatively (which I doubt it will), but it's the choice I made. No more burden of having to wear the clantag anymore.

And to Sparky and few other people who wish to see me gone from [ƒcƒc], now you got your wish. You can congratulate yourself for helping the clan get rid of scumbag like me.


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Leaving clan Empty Re: Leaving clan

Post by Piru-nyan Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:19 pm

taters, its your decision if you wish to leave. but just remember that leaving at a time like this, just after a clan leader has left, is just going to make you look like a copy cat. i'm not saying you are copying indigo, but it sure seems like it. along with that, its causing more of a sort of havoc to the clan, if more active members leave, it will punch a huge hole in the clan. i haven't noticed anyone say your maps are terrible, many of them, like myself, have only told you to finish your maps. i would really hope you do finish them, as zm is a slowly dying mod since development is dead and custom content is slowing. what all this has to do with the topic of you leaving i don't know, so back on topic.
don't listen to the losers that tell you that you suck. obviously since you make awesome maps (such as your latest map), they become jealous and feel they need to "put you in your place" below them. just don't let them. i'm sure i've done it too, and i'm sorry. you, as a clan member, aren't required to contribute to the clan. since the clan is based around sammys servers, contributing to the servers is a larger contribution to the clan, as without sammy's servers, we wouldn't have a home. i've told you several times your map is awesome, and i haven't played your other maps enough to judge, but as with anything you do, you get better as you practice more, and this latest map is probably up there with one of my favorites.
if people are getting annoying, rage at them like me. (or rage AT me since half the time i'm the problem, sorry) we really don't need another talented member leaving the clan.

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Leaving clan Empty Re: Leaving clan

Post by Sparky Bio Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:22 pm

Well Taters, I didn't mean it literally but just know you will be dearly missed.
It was nice having you around but due to the fact you left on your accord, I just hope you did whats best and wish you luck on your future goals.

Sparky Bio

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Leaving clan Empty Re: Leaving clan

Post by MASHED TATERS Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:27 pm

Just to dissuade that copycat remark about me, I have been contemplating on leaving for a while (as I've already explained), and Indigo leaving greatly strengthened that. And you're not the person to call my maps fail most of the time, not you, but I'm sure they will know who they are.


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Leaving clan Empty Re: Leaving clan

Post by Furry Fucia Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:31 pm

I actually thought of leaving ages ago, but I didn't because ZM would've been boring as shit as a regular tard running around on the servers.
Furry Fucia
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Leaving clan Empty Re: Leaving clan

Post by invalid forum account Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:50 pm

I should probably be the last to talk at the moment... but you can't leave the clan now!
It's my leaving time, not yours! Not anyone else's!
In fact, no one is allowed to leave the clan for one week from now on! Not that I have any say in this, but still.

Thinking about it, I feel responsible. I didn't oversee that my leaving could cause others to make such a decision as well. Pretty selfish of me, I know, and I'm usually not like that.

So yeah Taters. I understand it perfectly well if you want to leave now, I've often witnessed you not wearing the clan tag any more, and sometimes even separating from everyone. I can only guess you have been thinking about and carrying this decision with you over the past weeks or even months as well, just like I did.

Just so you know, I hope you already do:
I never found you weren't contributing to few towards the clan or the server. In fact, you are one of the very few OUTSTANDING members this clan has. Not only your above the average and numerous maps you contributed, but also game style / playing wise. I can see how many people envy you and your work and therefore feel how little they are, how little they ever contributed. So to make up for that, they try to lessen your work, by talking bad about it or even talking bad about you.
However, I didn't really often witness anyone actually talking bad about you, I'd sure would have immediately focused all my abusing powers on such a person exclusively.
Granted, we sometimes joked around with you, I remember the pink water I tried forcing you to put into your maps... Or some certain command I made to disable one of your map sounds... That really wasn't very nice of me, it was just some foolish and very dumb way of .. well.. messing with you, which I soon felt sorry for and never used that command again.

So basically I feel the reasons for your leaving you state here are wrong. Probably not all of your reasons, I'm too tired and exhausted to actually think clear now. But some still are wrong. Like the fact we just had a short conversation earlier, and you told me the exact opposite about something you saying here now. I won't go into detail, as this was a conversation between us two, and its no one's else business.

I could and want to write even more here, but as I already said I'm too tired now.

To sum up, I can understand if you want to leave now, although it's probably not the best moment right after I rage quit. However, that's not enough of a reason to keep you from making your decisions.
I just know many (like Cherry, myself, pink, I bet Psycho as well, and so on..) appreciated and were impressed by every piece of your work, may it small things like the logos you contributed, the skateboard skins for some mod, your contribution towards mortewood plaza. Or even larger, more time consuming things like the many maps. This all helped making the clan and sammys servers more known and more popular, and you can be proud of every piece you contributed. Not really many can say they did that and have something to be proud of like that.

EMO-EDIT: Oh yeah, and I'm jealous of all the wall of text you got here taters, no one did such long posts on my leaving topic :(
If wall of text is a legitimate unit of measuring appreciation level, you win.
invalid forum account
invalid forum account

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Leaving clan Empty Re: Leaving clan

Post by [ƒcƒc] Pallal Thu Feb 18, 2010 12:20 am

Taters, alot of people dont even contribute a bit, your maps were always cool and i don't know who kept saying fail, but they fail themselves. You will be missed.
[ƒcƒc] Pallal
[ƒcƒc] Pallal

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Leaving clan Empty Re: Leaving clan

Post by Teh Idiot Thu Feb 18, 2010 12:36 am

Hey Taters. You probably shouldn't leave. cause who would I gripe with about pink's abuse of us? :o I'd be Griping with myself. YEH CANNAE DO THAT TO ME MAN!

Plus if you leave, Then I'd have one less friend in here, and that would depress me more. And besides all that, I kinda apologize for making fun of the music on taters_deathrun_forgotrestofname. It was kinda mean for me to do that when I coulda just fixed the options on my game to mute it :< soz mate.

Teh Idiot

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Leaving clan Empty Re: Leaving clan

Post by MoarToast Thu Feb 18, 2010 1:06 am

I've noticed no change in your attitude, the shit-talking that Blue and I do it just for jokes. You have probably contributed more than almost everyone except for Indigo and Cherry. Given, your maps usually dont end up getting textured, but their still fucking fun as all hell.

They have fitting music, brilliant level design, neat colours that look a lot more appealing than Grey and Yellow, and just an overall good design.

Most people (that I know) shit-talk it for jokes, That shit takes a lot of work and I think most people know that.

As for you, well, We call you a douche, but you dont block people, you dont yell at people, in fact, the most you do is drop an N-bomb. Even then its usually a joke.

although everyone else says they can understand, I cant understand why your leaving. You've made yourself known as a cool guy that makes awesome maps, and the only people who shittalk them are either jokers or Trolls that are jealous of the fact that you can make maps extremely well and quickly.

Given, it wont really change much in terms of your status, if you keep making maps and keep acting like you do, then this wont have much of an effect on me. But still, it wont be the same without the tag.

If your leaving the clan for good, Just know that you will be missed, and I'm sorry if you took My comments seriously.

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Leaving clan Empty Re: Leaving clan

Post by Psycho Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:47 am

Oh come on Taters, me and Daiju saying you fail is just kind of a Sammy Servers meme!
Indigo wrote:
In fact, no one is allowed to leave the clan for one week from now on!
And, as I already asked in the announcement section, you REALLY think a rule will keep someone from leaving?
Indigo wrote:Oh yeah, and I'm jealous of all the wall of text you got here taters, no one did such long posts on my leaving topic :(
Well,I could have hardly written a wall of text from my cellphone. It wasn't my fault you left when I was on skiing holiday!
MoldyToast wrote:I've noticed no change in your attitude, the shit-talking that Blue and I do it just for jokes.
Jokes...? Not so sure. I'd have said Blue is a misanthrope, who criticizes and bashes EVERYONE'S maps (while he himself makes strange invisible water inside ships on his maps :P )
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Leaving clan Empty Re: Leaving clan

Post by Sharpy Thu Feb 18, 2010 4:50 am

Taters alot of people think your great and are a great addition to this clan.
Your maps were freaking AWSOME Dude and you will be dearly missed.

Ignore what other people think of you because its about you and who you really are.
If i cant change your mind please YOU change it for yourself.

Look at all the people posts, not a single one of the are horrible.
Even Sparky who you said wanted to see yo gone has posted a kind post mentioning you will be dearly missed.

Love you taters :'(

Last edited by Sharpy on Thu Feb 18, 2010 5:02 am; edited 1 time in total

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Leaving clan Empty Re: Leaving clan

Post by [ƒcƒc]± Furry Blue Thu Feb 18, 2010 5:00 am

No, i'm quite sure that i was less involved then you think psycho. Besides bugging taters for 2 or so weeks about my monitor brightness being too low. I honestly never bashed anything on tater's maps, usually i .

I have however witnessed the growing animosity to taters on the servers, people hating taters for whatever reason, disliking his attitude or his ability to accidentally kill just about anyone.

I can honestly say that i was one of the few people who just plain didn't hate taters. I could never find any real fault with him besides the racism (which he knows i detest), i found myself on multiple occasions defending taters from people who asked why we just don't "Ban him" or as to why we put up with him.

Not to mention, Taters knows that hes helped me in more ways then anyone else has any clue about, and was (and most likely still will be) an integral part of my mapping strategy.

1). Ask Taters How to Do Something
2). Wait for his Response (hes always afk when i ask)
3). Do it some shoddy way myself while waiting for taters
4). Get a Response from taters, with some haxx way of making something work that i didn't even understand.
5). Declare my way as better, then secretly integrate his idea into my map.

Hes actually very helpful. I doubt i would even have a working map without him around to poke for ideas.

Taters will be missed, and I'm sure even some of those he thinks won't miss him at all, might even miss him the most.

Indigo wrote:

EMO-EDIT: Oh yeah, and I'm jealous of all the wall of text you got here taters, no one did such long posts on my leaving topic :(
If wall of text is a legitimate unit of measuring appreciation level, you win.


You left us speechless...
[ƒcƒc]± Furry Blue
[ƒcƒc]± Furry Blue

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Leaving clan Empty Re: Leaving clan

Post by Opal Thu Feb 18, 2010 5:17 am

Oh Taters, you can't do this now, not you aswell.
So, I will admit that I was the first to abuse you :) but you do know how much I appreciated and admired the amount of work you would put into them. I mean recently, I asked you to do those valentines images for the site, and you did them so soon after. I was so grateful for that.
I do understand many of your reasons, but I am happy that you are not leaving the servers aswell.
Hope to speak to you soon.

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Leaving clan Empty Re: Leaving clan

Post by Kiez4r Thu Feb 18, 2010 5:18 am

I know for a fact that Taters is not just being a copy-cat of Indigo, as he has told me before that he was contemplating leaving the clan. Despite this i never really thought that he would.
Taters was one of the main influences for me joining the clan. I would be sad to see taters go because of the hateful comments made by a few morans about his maps (I include myself in that). I know many people where mean to taters, most (like me) thought it was a joke. This joke was sometimes taken too far and i have seen some people insult him, whether behind his back or to his face.
I don't want to try to guilt trip him into not leaving i'd be sad to see him go but I would prefer him to be happy whatever he decides to do.

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Leaving clan Empty Re: Leaving clan

Post by Ghost Thu Feb 18, 2010 10:53 am

Taters!! D: Don't go! You're an outstanding mapper and we love you! yea yea, I know Pink and I abused you all the time.. and I'm sorry for that. But, your maps and work are beyond amazing. There is no word for how awesome your work is.

Also, you did the Valentine's thing? I told Cherry it was so cute xD Good job on that ^_^


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Leaving clan Empty Re: Leaving clan

Post by Gravestone Fri Feb 19, 2010 10:02 am

Hey Taters, we really didn't find ourselves on a lot at the same times but in the beginning I didn't get your style and was often asking myself "what's this guy's problem?"... however, after a while and getting to know you on the boards and seeing your contributions I realized you only took your rightful place in ZM as a powerhouse... I know what you mean about the general attitudes of some players towards you and others I myself have kept up supporting the servers financially while I haven't even played in the last few months... I do it because this is a good group of core people who still find the time and effort to keep on developing for this mod... You yourself are one of the main reasons I keep paying each month to keep these servers alive.. Even though you are leaving the clan, I hope you keep sticking around because if enough people like you stop playing and working for ZM I have no more reason to keep my eyes turned toward this most excellent zombie killing experience... Just my .02 but it has been good to know you man

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Leaving clan Empty Re: Leaving clan

Post by Aku Fri Feb 19, 2010 2:18 pm

Taters, if this is your final choice, then I'm pretty sure that I can't change your mind. I also want to apologize for talking behind your back, saying things like "taters is a d-bag" I never thought to put my self in your shoes. (plz forgive me) I just hope I can still see you on the servers

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Leaving clan Empty Re: Leaving clan

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